SIR Bidwell Branch 110 History Group

The History Group's next meeting will be Tuesday, October 8th, at 10 am at 6 Stratford Way.
The group needs to make some decisions regarding the details for the pursuit of:
Old grocery stores of Chico and Biographies of Chico's 20th Century People.
If you would be interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Don Alger

Chico History Museum Presentations:

September 14: "History of Women's Basketball at Chico State 1896-2016"
September 21: "A Personal Story of the Japanese Internment of World War II"

Butte County Historical Society Events :

September 21: "Alvin Coffey: The True Story of an African American Forty-Niner"
October 19: "Leaving, Settling, Developing, Achieving" - The story of 19th and
20th century migrations and founding of the Southside Community in Oroville.
November 16: "Rancho Golden in the 20th Century"

History Group Outings and Historical Information:

Post Offices of Chico 1851-2024.
Meet the Real Rosie The Riveter.
A History of the Diamond Match Plant in Barber (Chico).
Chico History Museum Tour August 12, 2021.
Butte County Historical Museum Tour February 22, 2020.
Chico Cemetery Tour September 19, 2019.
Stansbury Home Tour May 21, 2019.
Mendicino National Forest Genetic Resource Center Tour April 24, 2019.
Durham Cemetery Tour March 26, 2019.
Durham House Tour March 26, 2019.

For information contact Don Alger.

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